How Strategies are Managed

1. Creating a Strategy

  • Strategies are created through governance processes.

  • Each strategy has:

    • Its own implementation address.

    • Compatibility with base assets.

    • A witness type to ensure valid interactions with the vault.

Base Asset Compatibility:

  • Strategies must support the same base asset as their associated vault. Example: A strategy linked to a USDC vault must also handle USDC.

2. Issuing Shares

  • When base assets are deposited, the strategy issues shares proportional to the deposit.

  • These shares are sent back to the vault, representing the vault’s ownership of the assets in the strategy.

Equation for Issuing Shares:

shares_issued=amount_deposited×total_sharestotal_assets\text{shares\_issued} = \frac{\text{amount\_deposited} \times \text{total\_shares}}{\text{total\_assets}}

3. Burning Shares

  • When assets are withdrawn, the strategy burns the corresponding shares.

  • The amount of base assets returned is proportional to the number of shares burned.

Equation for Burning Shares:

\text{amount_withdrawn} = \frac{\text{shares_burned} \times \text{total_assets}}{\text{total_shares}}

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